Loved Ones Suffer Too

When we talk about eating disorders, most of the time the attention is solely focused on the sufferer, the one with the eating disorder, the debilitating symptoms, the physical, emotional, social and financial damage that it can cause the individual who is struggling. As a sufferer myself, I have seen this first hand, and it's always made me feel a bit uneasy, because I see this as only half of the true story. The other half is my family. I have seen 14 years of my parents, my brother, everyone I love and who loves me, suffering too - but barely getting a mention other than to look for a "cause" to my eating disorder. My parents have had to face guilt and feeling like they could have done something differently to prevent my suffering, they've had to face stigma from other parents, from wider society, and even from eating disorders services. They have had to face 14 years of seeing their son struggling... I cannot imagine how hard that must be. My brother has suffered ...