Why I’m done with healthcare
This hasn’t been easy to write, as I’m sure it might feel
uncomfortable to read for many. I understand this and please know this is my
own personal decision, and I would never want to discourage anyone else from seeking
support or medical care. Your life and care should be totally up to you to decide,
and you 100% deserve support if you want it.
After spending over half my life trying, my parents going
through hell, and being let down time after time, I’ve made the decision to
write an Advanced Decision, essentially refusing most life-sustaining care
should my body start to give up.
To understand where I am at today, you’ve first got to go
back to when I was 11 years old, over 15 years ago…
Moving to Secondary School and having some severe bowel
issues compounded to trigger a pretty severe eating disorder, and even more
severe (undiagnosed Autistic) meltdown & overwhelm. Since that day, I and
my family have fought, fought some more, and even more again to get professional
support, diagnostic tests, interventions, and to try and figure out exactly
what’s going on. This has resulted in:
Over 400 consultations with GPs, Therapists,
Specialists, Surgeons, and everyone in between
Over 100 separate tests
8 Operations
1 proven case of medical neglect, and several
more unproven
Tens of thousands of miles travelled
Tens of thousands of pounds in travel, medical,
and other expenses
4 years of lost work
Permanent bowel damage
Permanent physical developmental gaps
You would have hoped that at some point during the past 15
years, that someone… just one person… would have stepped in and taken responsibility,
fought by mine and my family’s side to help and find out how to best support
You would have hoped that someone would have said “this has
gone too far now” and actually given me some support, whilst exhausting
everything to try and find out if there was a better way to do things.
But this has never happened. Every specialist has discharged
me because:
I’m “too complex”
“We can’t find anything wrong”
“Not sick enough”
Not the right type of sick
“I don’t know what to do”
“It’s just psychosomatic”
There are many more too, most of which I have blocked out of
my mind, hoping they never return as it’s just a reminder of the utterly
disgusting treatment my parents and I have been through.
So… where does that leave me? I’m not sure.
My body is knackered. I have a permanent stoma, permanent
bowel issues which cause constant pain and regular blockages, chronic
testicular pain thanks to them missing an abscess until it burst, developmental
gaps due to having no Testosterone for most of my adolescence, and chronic
leg/hip pain. My brain is fried, I am burned out, and there is no improvement
in sight.
So I’ve decided to withdraw consent for escalation of
medical care. This means I won’t have referrals to specialists, no more
invasive tests, no more debilitating attempts at “treatments” that won’t work.
It also means no more seeking therapy or eating disorders support (as they won’t
help anyway).
I have also decided to write an Advanced Decision, which may
seem severe for a 26-year-old to do, but I know it’s the right thing to do. I
am currently hanging onto the minimum quality of life I am willing to live
with, anything less than this – life isn’t something I want.
So my Advanced Decision is to essentially withdraw consent
to any medical care or intervention for any conditions/emergencies/issues that
have a risk of leaving me in a worse position than I am right now.
I don’t want to be artificially kept alive, I never want to
get to a stage where I cannot manage my own stoma care, and I cannot go through
any more hospital trauma.
What does this mean? Well it means that I will keep going
for as long as nature (and the limited medication I have to keep things “stable”)
keep me going for. When nature causes something to happen, it will happen, and
I will let it take its course. For example, if it’s something easily “fixable”
like a minor infection then sure I’ll have antibiotics, but if that infection
progressed and caused sepsis, that’ll be me done.
This has been a rally difficult conversation to have with family too. I cannot imagine how painful the past 15 years must have been for them, and I know this hurts them, but am so grateful for their unconditional support and respect for my bodily autonomy.
I don’t say this to upset anyone, nor to garner sympathy. I
don’t want that and this isn’t all about me… this is about a system that has
failed a family, and is failing countless more at the same time.
I want to use whatever time nature allows me to raise awareness
of these failures, be unapologetic in challenging people/organisations/systems,
and really trying to create a change so that no more families have to go
through this trauma, pain, and have to resort to these decisions in the future.
Everything I am going through right now was preventable… so
many times, so many opportunities to stop this happening.
But everyone has their limits, this is mine.
Adam it's me, Martin, (@DynomotHall) on Twitter.
ReplyDeleteI can only say what a decision to make at 26. Don't get me wrong I'm 100% behind your choices and fully respect them. . There is no "but".
Take care my friend and I hope things don't get worse for a long long time. Your passion, zeal and intelligence not to mention your humanity and kindness are examples to us all.
Thank you Martin, that means a lot
DeleteGay as shit